An Invitation to Life. And Death.

Summertime, sunshine, and all that the end of the school year brings about can work us into a frenzy. Add to that the illness of a loved one, the beeps and alarms of hospital settings, and the prayers and tears shed by loving caregivers.

There is a full circle always at work. Life. Death. Healing. Disease. Laughter. Tears. Joy. Mourning.

For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5 NIV

A practice around our family dinner table {and often shared in a Sunday School class or small group} are the highs and lows of our day. It is good family communication and can draw out a conversation where one would otherwise be silent or stick to “surface-level” talk.

Share your high of the day: Maybe it is simply that you made it to school or work on time. Did you get a much needed nap? Or something so physically small: a Killdeer bird laid an egg in our driveway.

Share your low of the day: Did you run out of gas while mowing the yard? Did you feel helpless while hugging a crying friend? Was a stranger so rude that you remember it hours later?  And the sadness of the loss of the Killdeer egg only a few short days after discovering it.

When we acknowledge the highs and lows of our day, we share the celebration and the heartache. We learn what is on the minds of those around our table. {Or in our car if dinner is on the go.} We open up topics that could have been left closed. We cast light, His light, in dark places.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5 NIV

In your family, your circle of friends, your people, where are the highs and lows? Is someone managing the caregiving all alone and in need of rallying support? Is there hurt that we need to know? There is always some good to celebrate no matter how small.

Invite others in. In life. In death. Better. Worse. Richer. Poorer. Let others, including those around your table, your friends, your co-workers into your circle. Let them share the lows of life along with your JOYFUL highs.

May summertime show us afresh, the circle of life set before us SO THAT we may fully extend loving care to those around us. Help us to be faithful in this, Lord.

2 thoughts on “An Invitation to Life. And Death.

  1. I love, love, love this Bonnie. It is written in a beautiful way….the way to share our lives (both the highs & the lows) with those we love & a way to invite those in we don’t yet know. This is something we (us & our daughter) do with her 3 girls. I love this time together. They take turns sleeping with me when I’m there so I get more ‘one on one’ time with them. We laugh together, sometimes cry together & always pray together. The way the Lord is using you is beautiful. I’ll certainly be a regular follower. God bless you REAL BIG sweet girl!


    1. Oh my goodness! I can remember the earthquake in CA when Chris and I came and slept with you and Barb!Laughing, crying and praying were all things we did then. Thank you for your kind words and being a terrific and loving person and friend! Your family is surely blessed to have you.


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